Note from the Chairman, Executive Committee
Dear Owners,
Since our last Newsletter we have had a quiet winter here at QDM with, at the turn of the year, our discussions with GSA vis-à-vis the QDM Budget for 2017. As a result, and as reported in our Bulletin 1/2017, we have maintained the Community & Urbanisation charges at the same level as for 2016.
This Newsletter addresses a number of infrastructure updates and some general information.
2017 Annual General Meeting (AGM)
We are currently planning the 2017 AGM for either the last week of April or the first week of May. At present we have no specific Motions for the AGM or any Elections. We will of course address any items of “Any Other Business” that the members wish to raise. The Agenda for the AGM will be published shortly, and seeking Proxies for those who are unable to attend. The meeting will address the usual Reports, including the Fiscal Board Report, and an update on the potential future use of solar at QDM.
QDM Repairs and Infrastructure Update
Swimming pool – the Pergola is currently being renewed, the new structure is in place and new roofing is currently being fitted. Parasols and Sun Beds – the parasols have now come out of their winter storage and two new fixed parasols have been installed. The sun bed covers have been cleaned and the four old blue covers are being replaced by new yellow ones.
Communal Sewerage System – the communal elements of the sewerage system are currently being inspected, block by block. This will be done annually under the Community & Urbanisation (C&U) charges.
It is important to remember that the connections from the communal system into the house are the Owner’s responsibility for keeping clear. To this end, as we are approaching the season with many visitors to QDM (Owners and their guests), it is important to remind everybody of what we said in our July 2016 Bulletin –
“……. blockage is often initiated by roots, etc. in the pipework, combined with and exacerbated by non-biodegradable materials such as nappies, face wipes, sanitary products, cotton buds, etc.,…..”.
Our advice to Owners and guests continues to be that materials other than toilet paper should never be flushed down the drains as this will inevitably lead to blockages for yourselves and often others.
Road and Calçada Safety – a new (concrete) speed bump has been installed at the top of the QDM hill, replacing the yellow and black speed bump, elements of which were being deliberately removed. Speed limit signs (30 kph) have been placed at the top and bottom of the hill and it is important that these are respected.
Owners are invited to remind their guests that there are speed limits and speed bumps along the individual calçada, and that they are there for a reason.
Use of Solar Power at QDM – we are continuing to look at the use of solar power at QDM, including establishing exact power requirements necessary to support our communal infrastructure.
Domestic Waste Disposal – The green waste (lixo) bins at QDM are for domestic waste only. Please do not use this area as a dumping ground for large items or garden waste. The Camara is not obliged to remove them. There are charities in the area (as well as the LAR (old people’s home) in the village) who will happily accept many unwanted domestic items. Several of them will collect large items. I am happy to put any owner in contact with them if needed.
Owners using garden contractors are also kindly requested to ensure these contractors remove all cuttings from the site.
Community & Urbanisation (C&U) Payments,
Reserve Fund & OA Subscriptions
As we have previously reported, the C&U payments (monthly or quarterly) will remain at the same levels as for 2016, and continue to cover utilities, the maintenance of QDM’s communal areas (gardens, calçada and paths) and supporting pool and domestic water infrastructure assets.
Keeping up-to-date with the C&U payments is essential to ensure that GSA continue to be paid up-to-date and help us to maintain a good working relationship between the OA and GSA management.
Non-payers – Court actions are continuing (slowly) across the Parque, now with more and more successes for GSA.
The Reserve Fund will continue at €100 per property per annum and managed by the OA on behalf of the Owners. The Reserve Fund provides the funds for the replacement of significant infrastructure items covered by GSA’s maintenance.
OA Subscriptions – these will continue at €20 per property.
Requests for the 2017 OA and Reserve Fund contributions will be sent out shortly by our Accountant.
GSA Updates
Sale of GSA – the legalities with respect to the golf course have now been completed; the sale now awaits the completion of the legalities relating to, for example, the Spa and Reception.
C&U Payments & Credit Control – Jorge Ricardo is the main contact point – with 2 e-mail addresses – and
Summary – we will continue to work closely with GSA to ensure that QDM standards are well maintained, through our Quarterly surveys, meetings and contact with GSA management.
Please feel free to use the Comment section below this Newsletter. We would welcome your comments.
Finally, on behalf of the Committee, let me wish you all a Happy Easter.
Best regards
David Murphy,
Chairman, Executive Committee
April 2017