Message from the Chairman
Dear Owners,
I and my fellow committee members wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. We expect 2019 to be another interesting year for QDM. A very short summary of 2018 is presented below
Service Standards
Since we adopted our quarterly Standards Surveys we have been meeting quarterly with GSA to monitor and report on progress. The process works well and is reflected in the excellent condition of our communal areas. This will continue throughout 2019 and we thank GSA for their cooperation.
QDM Budget
We have commenced our discussions with the respect to the QDM Budget for next year. We are anticipating only minor increases reflecting inflation in Portugal during 2018. This will be finalised and reported to members once the 2018 final quarter actual costs have been seen and approved.
Annual General Meeting
Our Articles of Association require that elections for the OA Committee take place every three years and a new election will be necessary at the AGM in 2019. Full details will be announced early in the New Year.
Your Association deserves a Committee that fully represents the needs and wishes of all members. So, regardless of whether you are resident or non-resident in Portugal, full or quarter share please consider offering your services in whatever capacity you feel appropriate.
I will provide a more detailed newsletter with further updates in the New Year. In the meantime I wish you again a prosperous and healthy 2019.
David Murphy
(on behalf of the Committee of QDMOA)