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Christmas Newsletter – December 2019

Message from the Chairman

Dear Owners,

I and my fellow committee members wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. We expect 2020 to be another interesting year for QDM. This Newsletter provides information on a number of items and important information about the 2020 collection of the Reserve Fund and OA subscriptions.

Reserve Fund & OA Subscriptions

The Reserve Fund and OA Subscriptions are planned to remain the same for 2020 (€100 per house for the Reserve Fund, and €20 per house for the OA subscription).

However, the collection of those funds will change in 2020. With the Treasurer vacancy from the beginning of 2020 we will refer to the unanimous decision made at the 2018 Annual General Meeting (AGM) to link the collection of the Reserve Fund to the collection of the C&U charges by our management company, GSA. To simplify matters for our owners we will also link the collection of OA subscriptions.

This means that, from the beginning of 2020, the €120 per house will be spread across the year with an additional €10 per month per house being added to the C&U charges.

GSA will make the necessary adjustments for the Fractional properties, and will provide periodic payments to the OA of the money collected.

If owners do not wish to be members of the OA they will need to advise GSA and an adjustment would be made.

All of the above will avoid the need for the annual request (and frequent reminders) from the OA to owners.

It is important to remember that the Reserve Fund is very important to QDM as it funds the replacement of significant items of our vital communal infrastructure, the domestic water system and the pool infrastructure. The OA subscriptions cover, inter alia, our necessary legal- and accountant-related costs.

2019 Annual General Meeting (AGM)

The 2019 AGM was held on 21st June with 78% of the membership represented through attendance or proxies, again an excellent representation. In summary, the AGM approved the Fiscal Board Report including the OA accounts, addressed the need to revise the Community Services Agreement (CSA) between the owners and GSA, unanimously approved the Motion to declare an “intent of ownership” of the QDM communal assets, and agreed to continue to look at solar options for QDM’s infrastructure.

Full details of the AGM can be found in the Summary Record of the meeting on the OA web site.

On behalf of the Committee, our thanks go to Martyn, the departing Chairman of those meetings for his excellent work in supporting the OA and its members.

2020 QDM Budget

At the beginning of 2020 we will commence our discussions with GSA and their Accountant with respect to the Community & Urbanisation (C&U) charges for the villas and townhouses for 2020. At the moment, the only likely increase will be to reflect the very low rate of annual inflation in Portugal. Our aim is always to ensure that the standards are maintained at QDM with minimal impact on the charges to the owners.

QDM Gardens

As part of the 2018 and 2019 Budget, GSA has commenced the landscaping of the gardens to the right of the QDM Reception building where there will be a mixture of rocks and plants.

Pine Trees – in 2020, the gardening budget will include the periodic “haircut” of the pine trees in front of the front row of townhouses.

Painting of Villas and Townhouses

Previously, there have been a number of comments about the need for re-painting of a number of houses at QDM. There is no coverage (currently or planned) in any of our Budgets and Funds and it is therefore the responsibility of owners. We have recently requested quotations from GSA for the external painting of the houses – this information can be used by the owners or they can also seek quotations from local painters.

GSA Updates

Sale of GSA – the sale of GSA continues to await a number of legalities to be completed before the next advertisement is placed in the national and international press. The Judicial Administrator is working with the Camara on these issues.

C&U Payments & Credit Control – the main point of contact in GSA continues to be Jorge Ricardo at

Treasurer Vacancy

As many of you are aware, David Curtis agreed to help us by continuing as Treasurer until the end of the year. From the beginning of 2020, the Treasurer position will therefore be vacant, and I will be approaching a number of you in an attempt to enlist your support.

In the meantime, and on behalf of the Committee, our thanks go to David for his excellent work for the OA, especially amid the frustrations of reminding owners about payment of their Reserve Fund and OA contributions.

Summary – in general, we continue to be satisfied with the way in which GSA maintain our communal areas and supporting infrastructure. We will continue to look to make improvements, and we will continue to monitor service levels through our quarterly Standards Surveys and regular meetings with GSA Management.

Finally, on behalf of the Committee, best wishes to you and your families for Christmas, and look forward to a happy, safe and healthy New Year.

Best regards

David Murphy
Chairman, Executive Committee

December 2019

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