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March 2011 Newsletter

New security systems for QDM swimming pool

A swipe card system which is being introduced to the QDM communal swimming pool should be ready by Easter. Owners of each qualifying household will receive two cards. Arrangements can also be made through Reception for cards to be issued to guests on a temporary basis.

The system is intended to ensure that the pool is only used by those who are authorised. Please therefore ensure the gates remain closed at all times.

QDMOA holds its first annual meeting

The first “Assembly” of the newly formed Owners Association was held at the Mira Rio restaurant on 24th February. Sixteen members were present and the minutes of the meeting have been circulated to all members. Please contact the Committee if you have not received your copy. A link to the Articles of Association has been placed on this page. Your new Association is managed through three committees – the Executive Committee, the Fiscal Board and the General Meeting Board. Elected committee members are shown in the column to the right. It was proposed and agreed at this meeting that membership fees for 2011 would be €20 per house (€5 per quarter share). See below for payment arrangements.

Golfing arrangements for 2011

Vigia have introduced new arragements for golfers at PDF in order to clamp down on misuse of the system which has occured in the past. All owners who have submitted a photograph have been issued with a photo card that confirms the discounts to which they are entitled.  PDF Reception now need to be informed (via the Booking Form) in advance if guests/clients are visiting so that appropriate cards can be issued to them on arrival. These cards will need to be shown when booking or making payment at the pro-shop. I have been advised that this applies to managed and non-managed owners.

A22 tolls scheme – what you need to know

Despite objections from all quarters the Government is going ahead with plans to introduce toll charges the Algarve’s A22 motorway from 15th April. The Portugal News estimates that travelling along the Algarve’s A22 motorway will cost drivers just under 7 cents a kilometre (i.e. a trip from Vila Real de Santo António in the east to just after Lagos in the west would cost approx €9).

There will be no manned tollbooths and motorists will be required to purchase transponders (that will allow images of a motorist’s number plate to be captured electronically as a vehicle passes through a toll) with the fee being debited to the driver’s account. Needless to say there is still considerable confusion amongst Algarve residents over the requirement for these transponders, which come at a cost of €27, and will be supplied by CTT post offices.

Foreign-registered cars will be allowed to hire these transponders, paying a deposit of €27 and a minimum pre-payment of €50 that will be debited to the account associated with the transponder. Car rentals will operate in a similar manner.

Visitors may also be able to pre-register their vehicles through but complete details are still vague. The CTT website is only in Portuguese (an English version may be ready soon). I have managed to register on their site and have set up an account. I have yet to attempt to pre-pay for my car before my next visit . CTT is also using Payshop elsewhere in Portugal where tolls are already being collected.

Some exemptions have been promised for local residents and companies (motorists in the Algarve within 10 kilometres of the A22 will be given ten credits to use the motorway for free. Once these credits have been exhausted, a discount of 15% will apply – but only until 2012).

This web site is quite useful. In addition, VillasdaLuz has produced a Q&A sheet for their clients which they have permitted me to reproduce here. However they caution that this information has been gatherered from forums and articles and is hearsay at best.

Reception Service

Reception services for QDM Check-in and Key holding is still the main reception of PDF. a decision to reopen QDEV Reception will be made during the forthcoming 2011 C&U negotiations.

Helpful Hints

Did you know that you can connect a UK Freesat box to your satellite and pick up everything that you can in the UK both standard and HD – David Curtis


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