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June 2013 Newsletter

Community Service Charges (C&U)

As part of the formal process of monitoring the service standards provided by GSA for the communal areas, we are completing (every quarter) a check-list in conjunction with GSA to determine whether or not a service is provided, or is partially provided – this may result in a reduction in that quarter’s community service charge to the Owners.

The check-list covers the following items – Main Reception, Security, Cleaning & Maintenance, Gardens, and the Pool. We would welcome your comments on any of these communal items, to be forwarded to us by Saturday 15 June.

It is important that Owners pay their C&U within the 30 days of the payment request from GSA, as cash flow is still a major issue for GSA. Please bear in mind we are paying quarterly in arrears for services.

Actions from the Annual General Meeting

Most of the actions have been completed or are nearing completion, including the reinstatement of the pool notices with respect to non-payers, the calçada safety measures (warning signs), the protection of the Owners’ money associated with the Reserve and Sinking Funds, and options for the apportionment of C&U between 2- and 3-bedroom townhouses.


QDM Finance

Reserve Fund – In order to protect the Owners’ monies, the Reserve Fund, as agreed at the last AGM, is now being transferred across to an OA bank account.

The C&U package deal that we have with GSA covers many aspects of ordinary and extraordinary repair and maintenance. However, we have to ensure that we have some degree of coverage for any major unforeseen eventuality and unbudgeted infrastructure costs, and continue to enhance the environment of QDM.

The Community Services Agreement (CSA) that Owners have signed with GSA includes the need for a payment of € 100 per year per house into the Reserve Fund. Any expenditure from this fund is controlled by your Committee.

We have been conducting a review with GSA of Reserve Fund contributions for 2011 and 2012, and have identified a number of houses who, according to GSA’s records, have not paid their 2012 or 2011 (or both) contributions. We will be e-mailing those Owners shortly inviting them to check their own records of payments and if there is any discrepancy to get in contact with Helena Zeferino at GSA ( We have, in the past, found errors in the GSA records which have then been rectified.

For the 2013 Reserve Fund contribution, the request for payment will be sent out by GSA along with the 2nd Quarter C&U payment request (at the beginning of July); with the Reserve Fund € 100 to be paid into the OA bank account. Note – this applies to Outright Owners as the Reserve Fund is included within the Management Fees for Fractional Owners.

Fractional Owners Sinking Fund – In order to further protect the Owners’ monies, we have been contacting the Fractional Owners re their Sinking Funds, recommending as a temporary measure moving their funds to an OA bank account. We have received a number of authorisations and are awaiting further replies, following which we will coordinate with GSA.


QDM Infrastructure

Calçada Safety Measures – Traffic warning signs will shortly be installed at the beginning of each row of houses – this is the first step to try and slow down cars and other vehicles along the calçada.

Please respect these signs and also please advise your rentals / guests. We will be monitoring and reviewing the effectiveness of these signs before deciding whether it is necessary to initiate the next step – speed bumps.

Pool Gates – The pool gates are now closed and locked with keys available from Owner Services – now co-located with Reception.


Michael Regent

With great regret we have learnt of the death of Michael Regent, one of our Owners. On behalf of all of the members of the Owners Association, our sincere condolences go to his family and friends. We will be making arrangements for flowers on behalf of our members.



The Resort Director (Isabel Coelho) continues to make changes in order to improve the management and financial practices of the company and improve the services to the resort. We continue to work closely with her and her managers to ensure that QDM standards are maintained.


Golf Promotions

As part of the drive to improve the cash flow of GSA a number of golf promotions are becoming available at the Golf Reception. These are promotions which may work out cheaper than the normal discount to QDM Owners / guests.


Marcia Martins

For those of you who deal with Owner Services on a regular basis, you should know that Marcia Martins has now decided to leave GSA. Please do not email Marcia, as her account is no longer functional. Anyone wishing to contact Marcia for non-GSA related matters may now do so on her personal email at “”.



QDM OA Membership – 2013 fees

The 2013 Subs (€20 per house and €5 per quarter share) for the QDM OA are now due. You may pay by the following means:

Direct transfer into the OA Account
Associacao De Proprietarios Quinto Do Montinho
CAIXA: 7210 CCAM Algarve C.R.L
BALCAO: 7150 Vila Do Bispo
CONTA: 40242329022
IBAN: PT50 0045 7150 4024 2329 0226 1
NIB: 0045 7150 40242329022 61 BIC/SWIFT: CCCMPTPL

by post to me £18 (UK cheque made out to David Curtis) or €20 cash to the following address
13 Black Down Mead
BS27 3XW

Or by hand to Martyn Uttley (QDM8) or David Murphy (QDM24).

Thank you for your support



QDM Security Patrols

The new security system at QDM is now in operation. Uniformed security guards from a respected company (Prosegur) are now patrolling QDM in the evenings and at night. All patrols are monitored through electronic check-points at each level, including the areas surrounding athe pool. Analysis of patrols and all logs are available to the OA committee. The system also includes, at no extra cost, a 24hr emergency response capability. There have been no security incidents at QDM in the past year although an attempted break-in has been reported at QdEV in the past month.



We are pleased to report that GSA is now taking appropriate action against non-payers. We will report on outcomes with specific details in a future newsletter.

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