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June 2015 Newsletter

Note from the Chairman

Dear Owners,

Since our last Newsletter in February, we have seen a gradual improvement in the GSA staff wages situation which should continue over the summer months. Despite the wages situation, the staff continue to be loyal and, to their credit, are continuing to maintain the communal areas of QDM to a good standard.

Non-Payers – Court Action

The most significant change since our last Newsletter has been that legal action has now been taken by the Judicial Administrator in conjunction with lawyers and the Olhão Court.

A number of perennial non-payers and owners with a significant previous debt have now been served with Court injunctions by Olhão Court. These include 4 owners from Quinta do Montinho.

Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2015

This year’s AGM was held on 24th April with a good number of attendees and proxies. The main outcomes of the AGM were the following –

  • approval of the Motion to raise the limit of the Reserve Fund in order that we can adequately address the cost of any replacement items of our infrastructure
  • approval of the Motion to authorise the OA to establish a separate bank account, specifically for the Reserve Fund
  • approval of the Fiscal Board Report and the Owners Association Accounts
  • an action with respect to a long-term strategy for the communal gardens and pine trees, and its relationship to the ongoing maintenance.

The last item will be subject to discussion with GSA management at our next quarterly meeting, where we will also address the short-term situation.

GSA “Liquidation” Process

The situation has not changed since our last Newsletter, with the Judicial Administrator still awaiting the Court’s agreement to proceed with the sale of the company; still noting that it is expected that the conditions for the sale will include that GSA continues as a Service Provider and retains the workers.

GSA Staff Payments

The situation is improving with staff now paid up to the end of May, but they are still in arrears on their required bonuses.

Community & Urbanisation (C&U) Charges for 2015

It continues to be extremely important to keep up-to-date with your C&U payments (whether they are monthly in arrears or quarterly in the second month of the quarter).

Firstly, and most importantly, these payments are essential to enable the staff to be paid on a regular and proper basis; any delays in payments have an impact.

Secondly, keeping payments up-to-date is necessary in order to ensure that we receive any discount on C&U charges which are associated with the results of our quarterly Standards surveys.

Last, but not least, keeping up-to-date will avoid any potential Court action.

Reserve Fund and OA Subscriptions 2015

The majority of the Reserve Fund contributions of €100 per house and Owners Association subscriptions (€20 per house) have now been paid by owners. Our Treasurer will continue to remind those who have not yet contributed, noting the importance of the Reserve Fund vis-à-vis the replacement of QDM infrastructure items, and the importance of a strong OA when dealing with GSA management.

QDM Swimming Pool

The fixed sun parasols have been back up since Easter and the sun beds have been cleaned. There are still a number of concrete bases and tubes around the pool if Owners wish to bring their own umbrellas to the pool, under their own responsibility.

The swimming pool notices have been updated with respect to those House numbers not authorised to use the pool.

Reminder to Owners and your tenants – please respect the pool rules, in particular please remember to keep the gates closed and locked – and no glasses or glass bottles – everybody can then enjoy the use of the pool.


You will recall that the random night-time security patrols are no longer carried out at QDM. Your Committee will, as we stated at this year’s Annual General Meeting (AGM), continue to look at options and the costs thereof. In the meantime, please be vigilant and carefully consider your house security and insurance requirements.

Service Standards – 2015

The next quarterly survey will take place in the beginning of July and any C&U discount will be applied in your next monthly or quarterly payment.

Reminder – the percentage reduction will only be applied if 80% of the previous quarter’s C&U are paid.

Please feel free to use the Comment section below this Newsletter. We welcome your feedback.

Finally, on behalf of the Committee, let me wish you all a good summer and enjoy your holidays.


Best regards

David Murphy

Chairman, Executive Committee

June 2015

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