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October 2013 Newsletter

QDM Updates

Community & Urbanisation Charges (C&U) – the second of the QDM C&U Standards Check-list was attached to the GSA e-mail requesting payment of the 3rd Quarter C&U charges.

The percentage reduction has increased as a result of a number of repeat non-compliant and partially-compliant items in the check-list. GSA will be paying attention to some of these items as a repeat at the end of December will further increase the percentage reduction.

Overall, there has been a good response from Owners to this year’s quarterly (in arrears) C&U payments but it is still important to respect the 30 days for payment; cash flow is still a major issue for GSA.

QDM Road

Parts of the road at QDM have now been repaired, at top of the hill by the top row and at bottom of the hill going into the village. Further improvements are planned for spring 2014, but in the meantime it is planned to implement speed bumps to slow down traffic coming over the hill.

QDM Pool

This summer saw the introduction of the pool key. Apart from a few incidents this has been generally welcomed by Owners and guests.

Owners’ Information Held by Reception / Owner Services

In our previous Newsletter, we identified the need for Reception / Owner Services to have some minimum contact details (an e-mail address and emergency contact telephone number). Owners are invited to provide this information to the Owner Services Manager, Eduardo Martins at

QDM Finance

Reserve Fund – In order to protect the Owners’ monies, the Reserve Fund, as agreed at the last AGM, continues to be paid into the OA bank account. The Reserve Fund is very important to QDM, particularly in respect to any major repair or replacement to equipment (for example, our domestic water pumps, and pool pumps).

We are currently working with GSA on the development of a specific maintenance plan for the QDM pumps, with GSA establishing formal records for the equipment and their legally-established depreciation periods. This will have an impact on the sharing of costs related to our equipments.

Whilst the C&U package deal that we have with GSA covers many aspects of ordinary and extraordinary repair and maintenance, we have to ensure that we have some degree of coverage for any major unforeseen eventuality.

We have just reviewed the 2011 to 2013 contributions and it has highlighted a number of Outright Owners who have not yet contributed for some (or all) of those years. Our Treasurer will shortly be sending out individual e-mails to those Owners reminding them of the importance of the Reserve Fund, and inviting them to make the necessary bank transfers.

For those of you who made your 2013 (and previous years) contribution – thank you.

Fractional Owners Sinking Fund – With the exception of those Fractional Owners who wished, from the outset, to control their own Sinking Fund monies, the Sinking Funds are now in the OA bank account.

We have established the “GSA Owners Services and QDMOA Agreed Processes for Handling QDM Fractional Owners Sinking Fund Expenditure”. A copy is available via this link.

We would like to stress that holding the money in the OA account was intended, as we stated, as a temporary measure; and would encourage the Fractional Owners to establish their own account arrangements.

House Accounts and Online Access

GSA has completed the transfer of QDM House Accounts across to the GSA House Account.

Online access to your House Account is now possible through the web site and then entering your Username and Password. When you click on “My Account” it will come up with “Cannot display the page”. If you then refresh the page (F5) the House Account is then accessible. GSA will eventually be improving the interface.

Meetings with GSA

All of our latest meetings with GSA (Agenda and Summary Records) are available on the web site.

Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Owners Association – 2014

In order to encourage larger attendance at the AGM, we are proposing to identify dates for the next AGM as early as possible. Our proposal is to hold the AGM in week beginning 17th March 2014.


We will continue to keep you updated with QDM-related matters. In the meantime, I hope that you have had a good summer and are looking forward to future holidays at QDM.

David Murphy
Chairman, Executive Committe

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