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Summer Newsletter – July 2017

Note from the Chairman, Executive Committee

Dear Owners,

Since our last Newsletter we have had our Annual General Meeting, the Summary Record of which has been agreed and is on the QDM OA web site, together with the record of our first quarterly meeting of 2017 with GSA management.

Annual General Meeting (AGM)

The 2017 AGM was held on 2nd May with more than 70% of the membership represented through attendance or proxies, an excellent representation. In summary, the AGM approved the Fiscal Board Report including the OA accounts, noted that a number of the previous AGM actions had been completed, and that the solar options for QDM are continuing to be studied, together with options for pool covering. These latter aspects will be addressed by a small sub-group which will look at options and associated costs. The full details are in the agreed Summary Record of the AGM.

Road and Calçada Safety – the Speed Bumps are there for a Reason – please make certain that you and your tenants and guests abide by the warning signs that are placed at the start of each of the calçada. We are into the season of young children running up and down the steps to the pool and, despite reminders, we still have individuals and service companies ignoring the signs.

QDM Swimming Pool   –  Pool Rules   –   Reminder

The summer has arrived, together with an increasing number of owners and visitors to QDM and, as in previous years, it is important to remind everybody to respect the pool rules. We have the Pool Notices in place, identifying the non-authorised houses and, importantly, clearly stating that No Glasses or Glass Bottles are permitted in the pool area.

There is also a new Notice identifying the numbers that can be called in the event of an emergency.

The key system remains in place but to be effective the gates should be closed and locked at all times – Lock as you go in and  Lock as you go out please.

Pool Heating

Following on from our Bulletin 2/2017, the pool heating is now fully functioning, maintaining a temperature range of 26-27oC (the current sea temperature is around 19-20oC – refreshing).

QDM Repairs and Infrastructure Update

Swimming pool – the pergola renovation has been completed, two new fixed parasols have been installed, together with some new yellow sun bed covers.

Power ConsumptionEDP have now installed a new Smart Meter next to the domestic water pump room, and an additional meter is being installed to allow us to accurately identify the power consumption difference between the domestic water and the pool infrastructures. This will also assist the sub-group looking at pool heating and cover options.

QDM Communal Gardens

Palm Trees – the subject was raised at the AGM, noting that they are the owner’s responsibility as part of their garden, noting that GSA do their managed properties and those in the communal areas, and that other owners use various garden companies.

Pine Trees – again the pine trees were a subject at the AGM, and we have agreed to re-address the subject with GSA, but also noted that, as the pine trees were in the communal area owned by EF&F, unilateral action should not be taken.

Domestic Water Supply problems

Repair work to the domestic water pumping system (and also recent work associated with fitting of the Smart Meter) have resulted in short term disruptions to the water supply to QDM houses. We have asked that GSA, in future, advises the OA prior to such works being carried out in order that owners can take whatever action may be necessary.

Community & Urbanisation (C&U) Payments,

Reserve Fund & OA Subscriptions

The C&U payments (monthly or quarterly) pay for the maintenance of QDM’s communal areas (gardens, calçada and paths) and supporting infrastructure assets – relating to the pool (heating and circulation), domestic water (pumps) and irrigation; and also includes the supporting infrastructure utilities (water and electricity).

We have a good record of C&U payments with GSA (approx. 90%) – it is important to maintain this in order that GSA staff continue to be paid up-to-date and that QDM continues to be well maintained by GSA.

Non-payers – the Portuguese Court processes are continuing against the perennial non-payers across the whole of the Resort, albeit very slowly. GSA has, however, had a number of recent successes, including Owners deciding to negotiate through lawyers on how to settle their debt, the freezing of assets and bank accounts, and the re-possession of properties.

The Reserve Fund and OA Subscriptions are important for QDM’s replacement of infrastructure items and ensuring that we are able to cover any legal- and accountant-related costs. Owners can either transfer money to the OA bank account or pay cash to either Martyn (at QDM 8) or myself (at QDM 24). Thank you for your continued support.

Fiscal Data – in order for our accountant to fulfil her tasks vis-à-vis invoicing and receipting it is necessary for owners to provide their fiscal data. Our Treasurer, David Curtis, has requested this information from owners but a number of owners have not yet responded (

GSA Updates

Sale of GSA – the legalities with respect to the golf course have been completed and this is now a registered asset of GSA. The sale of the company now awaits the legalisation of, for example, the Spa and the Reception.

C&U Payments & Credit Control – the main point of contact in GSA is Jorge Ricardo at

Summary – in general, we continue to be satisfied with the way in which GSA maintain our communal areas and supporting infrastructure; and we will continue to monitor this closely through our quarterly Standards Surveys.

Please feel free to use the Comment section below this Newsletter. We would welcome your comments.

Finally, on behalf of the Committee, let me wish you all a good summer and enjoy your holidays.

Best regards

David Murphy
Chairman, Executive Committee
July 2017

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