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Summer Newsletter – June 2020

Note from the Chairman, Executive Committee

Dear Owners,

This Newsletter provides an update on the impact of COVID-19 at QDM, and reminders as we
approach the summer season at QDM. This year is of course very different, and nobody really
knows how busy this summer will be on the Algarve or at QDM.

At this time we have 3 important messages –

“Life is NOT Back to the “Old Normal””

“Irresponsible People Must Not Ruin it for Others”

“The QDM Sewerage System is NOT a Waste Disposal Unit”


QDM Swimming Pool

Under the “State of Emergency” declared by the Portuguese Government the QDM pool was closed with access authorised only to GSA pool maintenance and cleaning staff.

With the lifting of the “State of Emergency” and going into the “State of Calamity”, the Portuguese government has gradually lifted elements of the lockdown, BUT with very clearly defined requirements and conditions. The “State of Calamity” is expected to end at the end of June.

The pool will be opened on 1 July, following agreement with GSA on how the safety, disinfection, cleaning and social distancing requirements of the Portuguese Directorate-General for Health (DGS) are to be met in their Resolution 030/2020 dated 29 May 2020.

In line with the legal requirements for parasols and sun beds on the Algarve’s beaches, there will be a shift system adopted – in the morning from 09.00 hours to 13.00 hours, and in the afternoon from 14.00 to 18.00 hours.

This will allow for the pool area, sun beds, toilets and surfaces to be disinfected and cleaned before each shift – a mandatory requirement under the law. The area will need to be vacated in order to carry this out.

In addition, and in order to address social distancing, there will be 3 parasols on one side of the pool and 1 parasol on the opposite side, with 4 sun beds for each parasol.

The cooperation of everybody is needed, so please advise your tenants and guests of this situation and that there are pool rules, and that No Glasses or Glass Bottles are permitted in the pool area.


Please also be aware that the use of masks in Portugal is mandatory in enclosed public spaces – airports, taxis, public transport, shops, supermarkets, pharmacies, etc.. In many places only surgical masks are permitted, and not fabric masks.

Additional COVID-19 Information

The Safe Communities Portugal web site is an authoritative location for all the latest information relating to, for example, shops, cafés, restaurants and beaches.

Annual General Meeting (AGM)

At this stage, and given the current situation, there are no plans to hold the Annual General Meeting during the next few months. This year there are no Motions planned or Elections, so we may seek an easier way forward for the review and approval of the Annual Reports.

Road and Calçada Safety – the Speed Bumps are there for a Reason – please make certain that you and your tenants and guests abide by the warning signs that are placed at the start of each of the calçada.

The summer season of young children running around QDM will soon be here, but we still have individuals and service companies who seem to think that the warning signs do not apply to them. Please remind your service companies.

QDM Sewerage System

Every summer, the QDM sewerage system is targeted for inappropriate items that owners, tenants and guests seem to think it likes to eat.

As previously stated, if it can be specifically determined that a house is responsible for a blockage and incurs additional cost (for example, calling out Dr. Drain or Drain Doctor), that cost will be on the house and not out of the C&U budget.

Please Remind Your Tenants and Guests

Finally, on behalf of the Committee, let me wish you all a safe and healthy summer wherever you choose to spend it.

Best regards

David Murphy
Chairman, Executive Committee

June 2020

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