Note from the Chairman, Executive Committee
Dear Owners,
This Newsletter provides an update on a number of subjects, and reminders as we approach the summer season at QDM. The expectation this year is of an increase in the number of visitors to the Algarve but we have to remember that Portugal is still in a “State of Calamity” (one down from “Emergency”) and there are many restrictions still in place.
At this time we have 2 important messages –
“Social Distancing has NOT gone way”
“The QDM Sewerage System is NOT a Waste Disposal Unit”
QDM Swimming Pool
The pool is now open, with the same safety and distancing requirements for the parasols and sun beds as for the Algarve’s beaches – these have been clearly set out by the Portuguese Directorate-General for Health (DGS).
In order to address social distancing, there are 3 parasols on one side of the pool and 1 parasol on the opposite side, with 4 sun beds for each parasol.
The cooperation of everybody is needed, so please advise your tenants and guests of this situation and that there are pool rules, and that No Glasses or Glass Bottles are permitted in the pool area.
Over the coming months we are planning improvements to control access to the pool, with the introduction of either a swipe card system or proximity-reader system. We will keep you advised of developments.
TIP – the main gate to the pool from the townhouses can be difficult to open from the outside – just lift the gate a little and the keys work OK.
Please also be aware that the use of masks in Portugal continues to be mandatory in enclosed public spaces – airports, taxis, public transport, shops, supermarkets, pharmacies, etc.. In many places only surgical masks are permitted, and not fabric masks.
Additional COVID-19 Information
The Safe Communities Portugal web site is an authoritative location for all the latest information relating to, for example, shops, cafés, restaurants and beaches.
Also, you can keep up-to-date on the latest situation by accessing the online Portuguese news websites
Road and Calçada Safety – the Speed Bumps are there for a Reason – please make certain that you and your tenants and guests abide by the warning signs that are placed at the start of each of the calçada.
The summer season of young children running around QDM will soon be here, but we still have individuals and service companies who seem to think that the warning signs do not apply to them. Please remind your service companies.
QDM Sewerage System
Every summer, the QDM sewerage system is targeted for unsuitable items that owners, tenants and guests seem to think it likes to consume.
If it can be specifically determined that a house is responsible for a blockage and incurs additional cost (for example, calling out Dr. Drain or Drain Doctor), that cost will be on the house and not out of the C&U budget.
Please Remind Your Tenants and Guests
Fiscal Representation
On January, 11th, 2021 the Portuguese Tax Authority issued a Circular on the position of taxable persons resident in the United Kingdom who hold a Portuguese fiscal number (NIF) or who wish to obtain that number.
According to this Circular, any entity (individual or company) that has residence in the UK and holds a Portuguese NIF, must appoint a tax representative resident in Portuguese territory by June 30th, 2021, under penalty of the application of a fine.
Recently, the deadline was extended to June 30th, 2022 – but the requirement has not gone way.
Fractional Owners – Water Bills
Some time ago, we advised you of the need to change the addressee of your water bill from the Câmara at Vila do Bispo, if the current addressee is Eliot, Fryer & McFadden (EF&F). The simplest and cheapest way to do this is for one of the Owners (next time at QDM) to go along to the Câmara and the change can be easily made.
This is important as the company EF&F no longer exists, it has been dissolved.
Golfe Santo Antonio (GSA)
GSA continue to be under the management of an outside resort management company (Amazing Evolution). As Jorge Ricardo always states in his C&U requests to you, these continue to be troubled times for GSA, with the hope that the coming months will see an improvement with a potential increase in the number of tourists.
Recently (2nd to 4th June) GSA staff went on strike as a result of not being fully paid their wages. This is the first time that GSA staff have taken such an action and resulted in no pool or gardening services at QDM. As a result the staff are now being paid in full.
We are monitoring the situation closely in order to ensure that GSA services to QDM are maintained and are ready to take contingency actions if necessary.
In the meantime please keep up-to-date with your C&U payments.
Finally, on behalf of the Committee, let me wish you all a safe and healthy summer.
Best regards
David Murphy
Chairman, Executive Committee
June 2021