Note from the Chairman, Executive Committee
Dear Owners,
This Newsletter provides information on the AGM and reminders as we approach the summer season at QDM. Once again, it will be a busy time, not only at QDM and the rest of the Parque but also across the Algarve. However, it is important to understand –
“The QDM Sewerage System is NOT a Waste Disposal Unit”
Annual General Meeting (AGM)
The 2019 AGM will be held on Friday 21st June at the Spike Restaurant, Golfe Santo Antonio, starting at 10.30 hours. The Agenda and supporting documents (proxies and voting forms) will be sent out to you shortly. This year we will have the regular finance and infrastructure updates, together with a Motion in respect to ownership of the QDM communal assets, and also the Committee elections.
Road and Calçada Safety – the Speed Bumps are there for a Reason – please make certain that you and your tenants and guests abide by the warning signs that are placed at the start of each of the calçada.
The summer season of young children running around QDM will soon be here, but we still have individuals and service companies who seem to think that the warning signs do not apply to them. Please remind your service companies.
QDM Swimming Pool
The pool heating has been switched on, and the sunbeds and parasols are in place. But, once again, we need you to please remind your tenants and guests that there are pool rules, and that No Glasses or Glass Bottles are permitted in the pool area.
The Pool Notices continue to identify the non-authorised houses and the need to keep the gates closed and locked.
QDM Sewerage System
Every summer, the QDM sewerage system is targeted for inappropriate items that owners, tenants and guests seem to think it likes.
As we have stated many times, if it is determined that a house is responsible for a blockage and incurs additional cost (for example, calling out Dr. Drain or Drain Doctor), that cost will be on the house and not out of the C&U budget.
If you don’t do it at home in your own country – please don’t do it here. It is important to remind your tenants and guests that Portugal’s sewerage system can not handle excessive and non-degradable waste.
Please feel free to use the Comment section below this Newsletter. We would welcome your input.
Finally, on behalf of the Committee, let me wish you all a good summer and enjoy your holidays.
Best regards
David Murphy
Chairman, Executive Committee
May 2019