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Useful Links

would like to build a directory of services for owners. This will be a little black book of useful contacts – builders, electricians, plumbers, appliances, gardeners, transport, drains etc etc.

Please let me have details of anyone you would like me to include. These should be people you can recommend from personal experience.

This is the list so far…

Disclaimer: The information in this Directory has been provided by the featured service providers. The QdM Owners Association accepts no responsibility for the entries, or for the services provided.


Contact: Karen Carfrae ( – Tel:  +351 282 697 791 / mob 968 413 688/ UK  0845 862 0443

Now located at the bottom of the hill in Budens, we have been in business since 2003 and have a good reputation and offer a guarantee on all our products. A full product and price list is available here.

New Appliances etc

Worten and Radio Popular are usually our first port of call when we need new domestic appliances or electrical equipment, but this price comparison website might help you find a better deal.

Financial Management / Property Management / Gardens / Pools

Michael Abbott – Palmeira Villas LDA – – 00 351 965325255 – website – Bilingual English/Portuguese – 10 years working within the PDF Development and Vigia. Details

Financial Management / Property Management / Gardens / Pools

Neil Jones – Algarve Discovery – 00 351 969638469 – – Bilingual English/Portuguese 20 years of estate and property management experience and an in-depth knowledge of local ways and procedures. Currently managing properties on QDA, QDM. Details

Painting Services

Jason Craddock – CAPS – 00 351 919227369 – Bilingual English/Portuguese Interior and exterior painting services.

Drain Cleaning and related services

Drain Doctor – 282 768 127 or 933 462 533 –

Mike Sampson – FREE PHONE 800 208 761. Based in Luz. Quick response. English Speaking.

Garden and Landscape Services

Cando Jardins – 00 351 282792160 or 914397393 –  Originally created in the Algarve in 1993 Cando Jardins has become one of the best respected Garden Landscaping Companies in the Western Algarve. – Presently maintaining & upgrading gardens at PDF. Details

Domestic Appliance repair

Emidio Dias Dos Santos  00 351 282 798671 / 917646428 – Lagos – Some English spoken. Recommended installer and repairer of domestic appliances (washing machines, dishwashers, dryers, etc.)

Financial Management / Property Management / Gardens / Pools / Repairs

Jean-Michel Novalet – Arrobasagres Unipesoal Lda – 00 351 963099589 –  – Bilingual English/Portuguese – Jean-Michel was Maintenance Manager for Vigia, responsible for general maintenance, pool maintenance for all resorts (PDF, QDA, QDM, QDEV, QSR) until October 2006 and then responsible for refurbishment and quotes until September 2009. Details

Financial Management / Property Management / Baby Sitting / Cot hire

Carmo Viana – 00 351 912683477 – – Bilingual English/Portuguese Carmo worked for Vigia for 18 years, 13 years in the Golf Reception at PDF and until recently five years in Owner Services. Details

Garden maintenance and construction / Painting and repairs / Drainage clearance

Stefan – 00 351 960474788 – – works on several properties at QDM. Good prices.

Financial Management / Property Management / Gardens / Pools

Samantha Felisberto (SW Algarve – S.A.M.) – 911820275 / 910363293 – -website A privately owned Property Management in the Western Algarve, with experience and expertise in this area for over 20 years. Working from the Lagos to Sagres area, S.A.M. employs a wide variety of staff, multilingual, trustworthy and experienced in their field of work. S.A.M. can guarantee a 24hr service for all owners and guests for all types of liaison, maintenance and emergency. S.A.M. has hand picked partnerships with local entities such as Car Hire, Insurance brokers and various service providers to ensure that Owners get the best possible service and price in the current market place. Click here for link to flyer. Further Details here.

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