The Committees of the Association are the Executive Committee, Fiscal Board and General Assembly Board. The purpose of each of the committees is described in the Articles of Association and is summarised below.
General Assembly
The General Assembly is the highest decision-making body of the QDM OA; the General Assembly is empowered, subject to the provisions of the constitution, to make decisions on all matters affecting the QDM OA
The General Assembly is constituted by all paid up members of the QDM OA.
The General Assembly is responsible for
- The election of the members of the Executive Committee, Fiscal Board and Board of the General Meeting Board (elected members have a mandate for three years)
- Approval of the annual accounts
The General Assembly must convene an Ordinary General Meeting annually for the approval of the accounts.
An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called by the Executive Committee whenever considered necessary, or if requested by at least one fifth of its members
The General Assembly Board comprises three members – one Chairman, one Secretary and one Vice-Chairman
The resolutions of the General Assembly shall be recorded in a minute which shall be distributed to the members soon after the meeting.
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is elected by the General Assembly and comprises three members, Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer
The Executive Committee is responsible for the social, administrative and financial representation of the Association.
The Executive Committee undertakes such initiatives and actions as are necessary for the achievement of the objectives of the QDM OA.
Fiscal Board
The Fiscal Board is elected by the General Assembly and comprises three members, Chairman, Secretary and Reporter.
The Fiscal Board is responsible for supervising the acts of the Executive Committee with regard to all financial, tax and accountancy matters and for providing an annual written report on the balance sheets, accounts and budget.